Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode:

Ep 4: How to find your passion

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: Ep 4: How to find your passion



“I really don’t enjoy what I’m doing every day. I feel like I’m on a hamster wheel and am just going along with the program. Who’s program? I don’t know. I don’t even know if it’s mine. I feel like it just… is. And I want to change that. I want to be teaching what I LOVE and I know everything I’m doing is making me feel excited.” This is an exact quote from a teacher I’m coaching and I want to walk you through our conversation. 

I see it all the time…. Yoga teachers who burn out and decide to quit teaching. And it’s too bad because these are typically amazing teachers who, for whatever reason, just haven’t found their way. Whether it’s your schedule, the job demands, the work outside of paid hours, or a lack of inspiration… I promise you this is a place that every yoga teacher experiences at some point. But it’s what you do next that matters…

I’ve never met a yoga teacher who says, “Imma take training, teach a couple of years, feel disempowered, and then quit teaching.” Like, it doesn’t happen that way… where we literally say this to ourselves BUT it definitely does happen in real life… sometimes without us even realizing it. 

This is why I wanna have a conversation with you about finding your passion…

Let's connect:


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